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Fig. 4 | BMC Zoology

Fig. 4

From: The gametogenic cycle and spawning of the short-necked clam, Paphia undulata Born, 1778 (Bivalvia: Veneridae) from Timsah Lake, Suez Canal, Egypt

Fig. 4

Photomicrograph of Gonadal development stages of Paphia undulata in both male and female with magnification 100 × except in A and enlarged portion of B in right panel (400X). Left panels: male; Right panels: female. A: early active stage; B: late active stage; C: ripe stage; D: partially spent stage; E: spent stage; CT: connective tissue; EF: empty follicle; F: follicle; FW: follicle wall; IFS: interfollicular space; L: lumen; MOC: mature oocyte; N: nucleus; NU; nucleolus; OC: mature oocyte; ROC: residual oocyte; SC: spermatocyte; SG: spermatogonia; SZ: spermatozoa; SZT: spermatozoa tail

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