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Fig. 4 | BMC Zoology

Fig. 4

From: Morphological and ultrastructural features of the laryngeal mound of Egyptian Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis, Linnaeus, 1758)

Fig. 4

Photomicrographs of the cross-section of the rostral part of the laryngeal mound of Cattle Egret, showing stratified squamous epithelium (green arrow) interrupted by intraepithelial mucous glands (Ig) mostly noticed at the glottis (Gtt), and transformed into ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium (respiratory epithelium) (green arrowhead), paired arytenoid cartilages (rostral process) (ACT) supported the laryngeal inlet, and cricoid cartilage (CCT), these cartilages were supported by two layers of intrinsic laryngeal muscles (M), peripheral nerve endings (N) with the skeletal muscle fibers beneath salivary glands (G). H&E stain with X40(View A), X100(View B), X400, and (Views C, D)

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