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Fig. 8 | BMC Zoology

Fig. 8

From: Solving a running crab spider puzzle: delimiting Cleocnemis Simon, 1886 with implications on the phylogeny and terminology of genital structures of Philodromidae

Fig. 8

Tibelloides punctulatus (Taczanowski, 1872) comb. nov., male (UFRJ 1971). a, dorsal habitus; b, ventral habitus; c, cephalothorax frontal; d, abdomen lateral. e–g left palpus (e, prolateral slightly slanted; f, ventral slightly slanted; g, retrolateral). Abbreviations: C, conductor; RMC, retrolateral marginal conductor; RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: a,b 1 mm; c,d 0.5 mm; e–g, 0.2 mm

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