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Table 2 Descriptions of behavioral parameters of Betta splendens subjected to the mirror-image test according to different rearing environments

From: Timing of isolation from an enriched environment determines the level of aggressive behavior and sexual maturity in Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)

Behavioural elements


Latency to respond to a mirror

Latency of time (s) of focal individual to locate or approach mirror.

Duration of lateral fighting

Duration of time (s) of focal individual to display itself laterally to a mirror for comparing its body size to self-image in a mirror.

Duration of flaring

Duration of time (s) of focal individual to spread its fins as a threat display.

Duration of opercular opening

Duration of time (s) of focal individual to display its opercular opening as a threat display.

Frequency of tail slapping

Frequency of focal individual slapping its tail to its self-image in a mirror.

Frequency of biting

Frequency of focal individual biting its self-image in a mirror.